
Merging ceramic and printmaking processes my work is both utilitarian and playful. I am most interested in natural and manmade landscapes and the interactions that happen in these spaces. Inspired by the world around me I am constantly collecting observations and objects to use in my work. For me exploring new works in form or surface design is like exploring part of the outside world – trying to capture in clay moments I have witnessed. Plant life, animals and words subtly asking the questions of place and identity.

Working from prototypes, or found objects, I create original molds from which my pots are then slip-cast with clay developed from raw materials. Through graphic imagery, animals and nature show up in playful ways across the surface of my pots. I use a variety of surface decoration techniques to build up layers of narrative from mimicking nature with impressed plants and natural textures to utilizing silk screened image transfers and words to further the plot.  With these methods I can make limited editions of pots that each have their own unique “print” or edition. Through surface design my pottery becomes a reflection of the places I have been and my work aims to mirror these environments we are surrounded by, highlighting the little splendors within.